Friday, October 31, 2008

Preschool Fall Fun

Abby's preschool had "Harvest Day" last week. The children went out on the nature trail and found pumpkins with their own names on them in the pumpkin patch. Parents were invited to join the class for lunch as they ate "stone soup" based on the story they read that week. Abby and I made pumpkin sugar cookies to share with the class. I had a sweet mommy moment as we were frosting the cookies at home. She looked up at me with the sweetest smile and said, "Mom, I love you. Thank you for making the cookies." Those are the Mommy moments I live for! She was so proud to take those cookies to school and share them with her friends and teachers.

I will admit I have not been doing much of our "home preschooling" the last few weeks. Even though we haven't done anything "official," I've tried to incorporate the things she's been learning at school in our day. She's had lots of opportunity to learn while helping me with every day tasks like cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. Maybe we'll get back into it soon, but I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself for now. I've been focusing on nursing Enoch and making sure he has enough to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Your cookies look great! Hope they were yummy! - Kasie
