Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Paternal Grandparents' Award

My paternal Grandparent's, Curtis and Nell Manor, were honored at Harding Unversity's 82nd Lectureship with the "Distinguished Christian Service Award".

The award reads, "In recognition of Curtis and Nell Manor for 61 years of marriage and for more than 60 years of full-time preaching; for Nell's work as a wife and mother, Bible school teacher, and speaker for women's groups; for Curtis' biblical scholarship and authorship of Christian prose and poetry; for his contributions as a song leader and storyteller; for his work in religious radio; for his support and encouragement of Christian education; and for his dedication to the unity of the body of Christ."

I am glad to have experienced this honor with my Grandparents. I am very proud of them both. They have set the standard very high and they are a great example for our family.

For more pictures visit my Paternal Grandparents' Award Yahoo! Photo Album.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    That's awesome that both of our grandparents got awards! What a coincidence!

    My Grandparents' Award Ceremony
